How to Create a LinkedIn Carousel PDF Using Doppio’s Templates
How to Create a LinkedIn Carousel PDF Using Doppio’s Templates
How to Create a LinkedIn Carousel PDF Using Doppio’s Templates
With Doppio’s templates, generate carousel PDFs optimized for LinkedIn

Creating a LinkedIn carousel PDF with Doppio allows you to turn your custom HTML template into a professional, engaging carousel. While Doppio doesn’t provide pre-configured templates for this, you can easily copy-paste your custom HTML template, configure the settings, and generate a LinkedIn-ready PDF. Here’s how to do it.
What is a LinkedIn Carousel PDF?
A LinkedIn carousel PDF is a swipeable document where each page corresponds to a “slide.” The ideal dimensions for LinkedIn carousel slides are 1080px x 1080px. By using Doppio, you can generate a pixel-perfect PDF that adheres to these specifications.

—> Check out the exported PDF File here :)
Steps to Create Your LinkedIn Carousel PDF in Doppio
1. Log in to Doppio
Access your Doppio account and navigate to the Templates section of the platform.
2. Create a New Template
• Select the option to create a new template.
• Open the editor and copy-paste your custom HTML code into the template editor. Ensure your HTML is structured to visually divide content into sections or slides.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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<h1>How to <br/>Create a LinkedIn Carousel PDF?</h1>
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<span class="number">1</span>
<span>Create a Doppio Account</span>
<div class="text">
Access your <mark>Doppio Account</mark> and navigate to the <mark>Templates Section</mark> of the platform.
<div class="slide">
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<span class="number">2</span>
<span>Create a New Template</span>
<div class="text">
Open the editor and copy-paste our <mark>custom HTML code</mark> into the template editor.
<div class="slide">
<svg class="oh2" width="58" height="57" viewBox="0 0 58 57" fill="none" xmlns="">
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<span class="number">3</span>
<span>Configure <br/>the Settings</span>
<div class="text">
Set the page <mark>width</mark> and <mark>height</mark> to <mark>1080px</mark> by <mark>1080px</mark> to ensure a square format.
<div class="slide">
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<span class="number">4</span>
<span>Run the Real Doppio Render</span>
<div class="text">
Once the template is finalized and the data is complete, <mark>generate the PDF</mark> using Doppio’s export feature.
<div class="slide">
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<span>You did it! <br/>Now you can upload it on LinkedIn.</span>
<div class="text">
Thank you, <mark>Doppio</mark>! <br/>More on <mark></mark> <3 <br/>
<img class="logo" src="" />
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3. Configure the Settings
Once the template is added, configure the PDF generation settings:
• Page Dimensions: Set the page width and height to 1080px by 1080px to ensure a square format.

4. Input Content
If your template includes placeholders (e.g., {* title *}, {* description *}), use Doppio’s variables feature to populate the template.
• Add the data.
• Save the template and preview to ensure everything appears as expected.
5. Generate the PDF
• Once the template is finalized, generate the PDF using Doppio’s export feature.
• Verify that each section of your HTML corresponds to an individual slide in the output.
• Check for alignment, spacing, and any unexpected formatting issues.
6. Review and Adjust
Open the generated PDF to confirm:
• The slides are correctly formatted with no cropping or misalignment.
• Fonts, images, and other design elements appear as intended.
• If necessary, return to the template editor to make adjustments.
7. Upload to LinkedIn
Once satisfied with the PDF:
• Log in to LinkedIn and create a new post.
• Select the Document option to upload your PDF.
• Add a description, hashtags, and a call-to-action to maximize visibility and engagement.
With Doppio, you can:
• Reuse your custom HTML templates for multiple projects.
• Easily populate templates with custom variables.
• Export high-quality PDFs tailored to LinkedIn’s carousel format.
By combining your custom HTML with Doppio’s flexible tools, you can quickly create polished carousel PDFs to captivate your audience.
Ready to give it a try? Log in to Doppio and start crafting your carousel today!
Creating a LinkedIn carousel PDF with Doppio allows you to turn your custom HTML template into a professional, engaging carousel. While Doppio doesn’t provide pre-configured templates for this, you can easily copy-paste your custom HTML template, configure the settings, and generate a LinkedIn-ready PDF. Here’s how to do it.
What is a LinkedIn Carousel PDF?
A LinkedIn carousel PDF is a swipeable document where each page corresponds to a “slide.” The ideal dimensions for LinkedIn carousel slides are 1080px x 1080px. By using Doppio, you can generate a pixel-perfect PDF that adheres to these specifications.

—> Check out the exported PDF File here :)
Steps to Create Your LinkedIn Carousel PDF in Doppio
1. Log in to Doppio
Access your Doppio account and navigate to the Templates section of the platform.
2. Create a New Template
• Select the option to create a new template.
• Open the editor and copy-paste your custom HTML code into the template editor. Ensure your HTML is structured to visually divide content into sections or slides.
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1>How to <br/>Create a LinkedIn Carousel PDF?</h1>
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<span class="number">1</span>
<span>Create a Doppio Account</span>
<div class="text">
Access your <mark>Doppio Account</mark> and navigate to the <mark>Templates Section</mark> of the platform.
<div class="slide">
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<span class="number">2</span>
<span>Create a New Template</span>
<div class="text">
Open the editor and copy-paste our <mark>custom HTML code</mark> into the template editor.
<div class="slide">
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<span class="number">3</span>
<span>Configure <br/>the Settings</span>
<div class="text">
Set the page <mark>width</mark> and <mark>height</mark> to <mark>1080px</mark> by <mark>1080px</mark> to ensure a square format.
<div class="slide">
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<span class="number">4</span>
<span>Run the Real Doppio Render</span>
<div class="text">
Once the template is finalized and the data is complete, <mark>generate the PDF</mark> using Doppio’s export feature.
<div class="slide">
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<span>You did it! <br/>Now you can upload it on LinkedIn.</span>
<div class="text">
Thank you, <mark>Doppio</mark>! <br/>More on <mark></mark> <3 <br/>
<img class="logo" src="" />
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3. Configure the Settings
Once the template is added, configure the PDF generation settings:
• Page Dimensions: Set the page width and height to 1080px by 1080px to ensure a square format.

4. Input Content
If your template includes placeholders (e.g., {* title *}, {* description *}), use Doppio’s variables feature to populate the template.
• Add the data.
• Save the template and preview to ensure everything appears as expected.
5. Generate the PDF
• Once the template is finalized, generate the PDF using Doppio’s export feature.
• Verify that each section of your HTML corresponds to an individual slide in the output.
• Check for alignment, spacing, and any unexpected formatting issues.
6. Review and Adjust
Open the generated PDF to confirm:
• The slides are correctly formatted with no cropping or misalignment.
• Fonts, images, and other design elements appear as intended.
• If necessary, return to the template editor to make adjustments.
7. Upload to LinkedIn
Once satisfied with the PDF:
• Log in to LinkedIn and create a new post.
• Select the Document option to upload your PDF.
• Add a description, hashtags, and a call-to-action to maximize visibility and engagement.
With Doppio, you can:
• Reuse your custom HTML templates for multiple projects.
• Easily populate templates with custom variables.
• Export high-quality PDFs tailored to LinkedIn’s carousel format.
By combining your custom HTML with Doppio’s flexible tools, you can quickly create polished carousel PDFs to captivate your audience.
Ready to give it a try? Log in to Doppio and start crafting your carousel today!
By Doppio
November 28, 2024